Wednesday, November 21, 2007

München: Wednesday, November 14th, 2007

After getting up 1 hour later, around 6, Lilit & I got ready to go to class. They live about an hour commute from her college and she had class at 8, so we had to leave pretty early as well. I spend the morning with her in one lecture on muscles, however, since it's all in German, I kind of just looked at the video of a real corpse and the muscles on it. Was interesting to see all 800+ students so interested in this stuff when it sort of grosses me out - at least the whole touching real muscles with bare hands. This class has 2 rooms, one with half of the students that sit in one hall with the professor and the other half are in another room where they watch a camera. We were in the room with the camera, so was very different that in any of my classes in Minnesota.

After that, I went to the library where Lilit could study for her Friday exam. The buildings on this "campus" are so beautiful and so old - all are around 100 years old or more. We went to eat lunch on campus and after that I went to another lecture of hers. I believe this one was also on muscles, but I can't quite remember because I was dozing off half of the time. I will put some pics up of the lecture hall because it was very different than any I have seen.

Directly after this one hour class, Lilit took me to her microscope class. About 100 students are in a room and all get a microscope to observe cells in their normal states, so they can understand how healthy cells should look like versus those with diseases. Was pretty interesting and it was actually something I already knew because they focused on the cell processes, which I learned in biology from previous years before.

Lilit attends Ludwig Maximilians Universität. Apparently it is compared to the standards at Harvard Medical school, so she must be at a very good school.

We headed to Starbucks to grab something to drink and Lilit then went home because she was feeling sick and I walked around the city. Munich is such a beautiful city and I don't think I mentioned before, but it was snowing all day and it made the city even more beautiful! The last time I was in Europe (and Munich) was in the summer, so it is an extremely different atmosphere, literally, as well as just the life on the streets.

Went shopping for a little while and then hopped on the S-bahn, hoping to not get lost and went back home. I ended up getting very lost when I got off the train because I wasn't quite sure where I needed to walk to get to her apartment. I eventually asked someone on the street because I had the street name and found my way. Got home and Lilit was in her pajamas in bed with a fever. Shortly thereafter, Zara and Razmik got home and they made a delicious dinner of salad, this vegetable salad thing, a very tasty thing called chatchapuri (very thin pastry layers with hamburger and spices, sort of like baklava if you've ever had that, but more of a meal, not a dessert) and red wine. Not very long after, I went to bed. Was so nice to finally sleep after very long 2 days!

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