Monday, October 29, 2007

Sunday, October 28th, 2007 - - Stavanger - Oslo - Göteborg

We found out last night that the clocks turned back! That means we had an extra hour of sleep! After our delicious breakfast from the inn, we were out in the rain, heading to Norsk Oljemuseum (the Norwegian Petroleum Museum). This was very interesting. Neither Eugenia nor I knew very much about drilling, so what a perfect place to learn! Norway has a very large drilling industry and they make a lot of their money through their oil. We also found out that Norway isn't part of the European Union because of their oil and the money they make on it (at least that's part of the reason).

After, we had time for one more museum before our train left at 2pm. We decided to explore the Stavanger Museum in hopes of learning more about the city. Not what we were thinking at all. Aside for many animal and dinosaur exhibits, we got to learn a tiny bit about Stavanger.

Went back to the inn all soaking wet from the wind and rain, warmed up our food from the night before, packed, paid and we were out. Made our way to the train station and got ready for a 12 hour train and bus ride back to Göteborg. While we were waiting for the train, our 2 Norwegian boys from the night before came walking up. The train we were on was stopping in Kristiansand on the way to Oslo, so they'd be on our train with us! The train had to go all the way around the coast of Norway. If you look at a map, you can see the route from Stavanger, through Kristiansand (on the southern tip), all the way north to Oslo. that's why it takes soooooooo long!

Arrived in Göteborg around 2:30am, got a cab and was in bed by 3:30am. Long day, but it was well worth it!

I had a wonderful trip and I think Eugenia did, too. It was definitely fun to travel with her and we knew exactly what we needed to do to get the most out of our trip, without any disagreements either. If anyone who's reading this ever gets a chance to explore Norway, I highly recommend touring around the fjords. It is breathtaking and I think the nature definitely pays for the trip!

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